The 8th Edition of the BABYLON Programme kicks off next week with its first feature film development workshop of the year in Vienna (19-22 February).

Filmmakers from across Europe and the Middle East will meet to discuss and analyze their projects and share creative experience.  This intensive residential workshop will be followed by a mentored rewrite period, aiming at selection for a second session at Cannes (15-18 May) where script development, production skills and market understanding come into focus.  The follow-up sessions will be held in London in October.

BABYLON is proud to welcome back funding partners Filmfonds Wien (Austria) and MFG-Baden-Württemberg (Germany). We are also grateful for the grant funding support of the Greek Film Centre, Creative Skillset, the Israel Film Fund, and Friuli Venezia Giulia.  BABYLON is produced by founder-directors Scenario Films Ltd, London, in association with Witcraft/Diverse Geschichten, Vienna.

Ten projects were selected this year:



Project Title:                  XOXO        

Writers/Directors:       Joanna Lietha/Iliana Estañol

Project Title:                 WOODEN RIFLE        

Writer/Director:           Alfoz Tanjour

Project Title:                 DIE DIEBIN/The Thief        

Writer/Director:           Sonja Romei


Project Title:                THE NOBLE JACQUES

Writer/Director:         Carsten Unger

Producer:                      Reza Bahar, Gifted Films

Project Title:                NIEMANDSLAND

Writer/Director:          Peter Evers


Project Title:                HAUNTED BY CITY LIGHTS

Writer/Director/Producer:     Stratis Chatzielnoudas, Margot Filmhouse


Project Title:              KIDS AND KINGS

Writer/Director:        Tal Haring

Producer:                    Efrat Cohen, Gaudeamus Productions


Project Title:              JAMAL AFINA

Writer/Director:        Yassine Marco Marroccu


Project Title:             SHEBA

Writer/Director:      Christiana Ebohon

Producer:                  Sandra McIver

Project Title:           THE PLACE BEHIND HER EYES 

Writer/Director:     Vika Evdokimenko

Co-Writer:                Oliver Shuster

BABYLON aims to build a successful and diverse pool of film storytelling and talent; to promote and strengthen cultural diversity within the independent film sector; and to provide an international platform for emerging filmmakers.  Full details of the programme can be found on the Babylon Website

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